Understand the key strategies to keep your business thriving in any economic environment at Business Mastery. For five days, alongside Sherrod Pigee and some of the best minds in business, you will delve into business growth strategies, systems and resources that will further drive your success. Business Mastery is more than a business growth conference, the program is designed to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge and lasting growth strategies from some of the world’s best leaders. The lessons taught at and insights from Business Mastery ensure you will achieve an extraordinary level of both professional and personal fulfillment.
It’s no secret that massive results come from massive action. Business Mastery strategically breaks down the innovative approaches used by industry leaders like Apple, Zappos, American Express and Facebook to help you discover where your business is now and how you can create a map to reach your goals. By addressing the critical factors impacting your business, you can refocus and realign with the winning business strategy and psychology to compete and innovate in any economy.
here is a reason that out of the six billion people inhabiting this planet, a rare few actually achieve business success – managing an enterprise is one of the most challenging undertakings that exists! You are always dealing with different types of people, all with individual goals, desires, values, rules, choices, fears, and concerns. Trying to align those people and their separate interests to produce a measurable result in a world that is innovating more rapidly than at any other time in human history can be quite a task.
In fact, we live in the age of information – the most prolific and fast-paced era humankind has ever known. A world in which all the information ever obtained doubles every two years, in which more than two billion dollars is spent every day in the quest to improve existing technology. A world where 1.3 billion email users send over 200 billion messages per day, where a single computer chip is close to having the power of a human brain We live on an information superhighway where the touch of a button can provide us with the answer to almost any question we can imagine. As businesses and as individuals, we have more choices today than at any other time in human history, but less guidance on how to make those decisions to achieve business success.
This program is the result of my own journey – I didn’t always know how to manage twelve companies while launching a successful speaking career, still have time to be a great father, husband and enjoy the things most important to me. I struggled to find a system that would allow me to manage and focus my ideas and brainstorms to produce measurable results in all the areas of life that mattered to me most. For years, I was having an amazing impact on the quality of people’s lives, but I wasn’t producing the business results I needed – and wanted – to produce.
With this program, what you will learn is the culmination of decades of modeling the most successful entrepreneurs in existence and consulting with and coaching more than three million people.
The Business Mastery program is designed to allow you to take the time to consider what your business is really about and what is most important to you in managing it. You won’t merely make a list of your immediate or superficial desires, but rather you will determine your vision for your life and your enterprise – what you want to accomplish, who you want to be and what you want to create. The system and strategies you will learn throughout this course delve deeply into the core fundamentals upon which your company is based. By injecting an innovative approach and a plethora of strategic ideas into your current business framework, you will open your mind to an even greater level of potential and possibility, while walking away with real tools to maximize your bottom line.
I’m deeply excited and privileged to have this opportunity to share with you the best of what I’ve learned as well as to learn from each of you in the process. As we embark on this program, remember that life produces extraordinary rewards for those who give in extraordinary ways. Let’s make a commitment together to participate with an incredible level of passion, excitement and joy – one that goes far beyond anything you’ve ever done before. By doing so, you will make a profound difference in your own life, and the lives of everyone you have the privilege to touch.
Live with passion!